ICV Spotlight Questions

Your interview must be completed in one sitting and we want it to be a joyful experience.

To accomplish this, we recommend preparing your responses on a separate document.

When you are ready, click the Step 3 button at the bottom of this page and paste your answers into the submission form.

Here are the interview questions.


Choose 1 question:

(1) Reflecting on your cultural heritage or origin, how has it influenced your professional journey or creative path?

(2) Can you share a significant cultural experience from your childhood that has shaped who you are today?

(3) What’s a tradition or aspect of your culture that you find particularly inspiring in your work or daily life?

(4) Being the only one in the room: how have you learned to be effective/successful even when you are the only one in the room that looks like you?


Tell us about your background, your achievements and your current projects.


Choose 1 question:

(1) How have you innovated within your industry to stay ahead of the curve?

(2) Describe a pivotal decision in your career that led to unexpected success.

(3) Share how mentorship has played a role in your professional development.

(4) Describe a significant risk you took that paid off.

Choose 1 question:

(1) What daily habits contribute to your success?

(2) Discuss a book or resource that has significantly influenced your career path.

(3) How do you continue to learn and grow in your field?

(4) Share an experience that significantly broadened your professional perspective.


• What types of collaborations or community engagements are you most excited about pursuing? Are there any specific initiatives or causes you are passionate about?

• What is your favorite quote? (Please have the Author’s name.)

• Suggest a great title for your interview. (8 words max.)

↳ Option 1: Your Role Title (Ex: President, InterCultural Voices™)   |  Option 2: Content Title (Ex: Redefining the Rules of Success)


It’s your turn to “pay it forward” by recommending 2 individuals you believe would be an excellent fit for an “ICV Spotlight.
(Please have their full name and email address.)


If you need to resize or crop images, a free resource is https://picresize.com/

Upload Your Headshot (This will be used to promote your Spotlight on social media)

–> Preferred size 1080 x 1080. The minimum size is 800 x 800. 

Upload 1 horizontal image for your article banner.

—> Preferred size 1920 x 1080 (ratio 16:9).

Upload 4-5 images that compliment your article. (ex: book covers, awards, speaking, creating, etc.)

–> Preferred size 1080 x 1080. The minimum size is 800 x 800.


That’s it!

We will email you approximately one week before your Spotlight goes live at InterCulturalVoices.com

If you have questions, please contact the ICV editor you are working with.

We look forward to your story.

Your interview will be published exactly as you submit it.

I recommend preparing your responses on a separate document before moving on to Step 3.

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