Balancing growth with maintaining quality when scaling a business requires careful planning and execution. Here are some strategies to achieve this balance: 1. Keep Communication Open: Maintain open communication channels between you and your team to ensure everyone...

Multicultural Buyers: The New American Melting Pot
By Cindy Fauth Just a cursory glance at your television is evidence: the demographic of the U.S. population has changed dramatically in the past decade. America’s population is more diverse than ever before, and savvy real estate agents should prepare now to...
READ MORE5 Essential Estate Planning Tips
By WALKER’S LEGACY What happens to my assets when I am gone? The answer to that question is based on what you do now to address the distribution of your property....
A 26-Year-Old Who’s Helped Women Of Color Earn More Than $3.5 Million In The Stock Market Answers The 2 Most Common Investing Questions She Gets
By Sheryl Nance-Nash When Sharlea Brookes was in high school, a friend opened his computer — and displayed a five-figure portfolio. “He had invested money from his bar...
5 Ways To Lower Funding Gap For Women & BIPOC Entrepreneurs
By Jasmine Jackson Despite headlines proclaiming growth and progress, the funding gap for female and BIPOC-founded startups remains significant. Halfway through 2021, the...
Closing The Wealth Gap
By Laurén Robbins To Financial services leaders discuss 3 ways traditional banks can team up with fintechs to drive equity for historically marginalized communities. The...
Legacy Cities Program Addresses Racial Gap In Homeownership, Promotes Equitable Housing Industry For All
By Lawrence Hammond CPC is proud to partner with Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) on New York state’s new Legacy Cities homeownership program to transform blighted...
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